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Standing Giving You Pain? Try This Tweak For Your Posture

March 08, 20242 min read

Standing doesn't have to lead to pain.

If your back ever starts to ache, or hurt when you're standing for periods of time, this might be of interest to you...

Some people find they wake up with their low back screaming at them after a longer day on their feet. Or get a sudden stab of pain in their back when they're just trying to tie their shoelaces?

It becomes more than just a nuisance—and can feel like a real downer, impacting your daily life.

One potential culprit behind that nagging low back pain? Anterior Pelvic Tilt.

So, what’s Anterior Pelvic Tilt all about?

Let’s break it down:

- Anterior: Think forward or towards the front.
- Pelvic: That’s your pelvis or hip bone we’re talking about.
- Tilt: A kind of rotation or lean.

In plain English, it's when the front of your pelvis tips forward, pulling the back of it upwards. Picture this: your bum cheeks are jutting out like Nicki Minaj, your lower back gets a bit more of an arch, and your belly seems to stick out a bit more.

But why should you care about Anterior Pelvic Tilt?

Sure, a little tilt is natural. We all have a bit of an arch in our lower back—that’s just how our bodies are built to stand strong and tall.

The trouble starts when that tilt goes into overdrive. It's like cranking up the volume until the speakers blow—except it's your back that’s taking the hit. When you're squatting or deadlifting heavy, an excessive tilt puts your lumbar spine under pressure, crunching your vertebrae, straining those discs, and possibly even triggering sciatica.

Here's a quick guide to better standing posture:

Our aim? To give your knees and lower back a break from playing the role of support beams. By waking up the right muscles, you can lighten the load on your back and potentially ease those low back twinges.

- Stand with your feet pointing forward or just slightly turned out.
- Keep your knees soft—not locked out but not bent, just comfortably straight.
- Engage those glutes as if you’re trying to hold a coin between them.
- Brace your core as though you’re expecting a friendly punch in the gut—think of the tension you feel right before a hearty cough.

By using these tweaks into how you stand, you're not just adjusting your posture; you're taking a proactive step towards easing your back pain. And who knows? With a bit of consistency, you might just find yourself moving better, feeling stronger, and living without that constant nagging pain in your lower back.

Let's make conscious standing and moving pain-free your new normal, shall we?"

In your corner

Thomas Bisson

"The Back Pain Guy"

low back painback pain clinic science basedevidence based
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