For Anyone Looking To Feel Strong & Pain-Free After 40:

Get Relief From Low Back Pain With Our Evidence-Based Coaching

Learn how to move freely without triggering your pain so you can regain your health, live an active lifestyle again and prevent further injury.

Thomas Bisson "The Back Pain Guy", Chigwell, London

As Chosen By:

As Chosen By:

Why Are Men And Women Over 40 More Likely To Have Low Back Pain?

Everyone should be able to live the life they want, do the things they want to–at any age, without having to sacrifice their comfort and mobility.

However when you have low back pain, it can be debilitating

You might experience a dull ache that never seems to disappear

…or sudden, excruciating pain that leaves you bed-bound for days. 

Simple tasks like cleaning, cooking, or playing with your kids become agonising challenges.

Which means sleepless nights, intimacy issues, and struggling to concentrate at work–if you make it in.

Low back pain can affect anyone and after 40 it becomes much more common.

And much of that is down to exercising and lifting with incorrect techniques, overuse, pushing too hard and repetitive trauma over many years.

With that said, most people can make huge improvements

Going from sharp pains with the smallest of movements…

…to moving freely without triggering pain or being afraid of another 'attack'.

What’s more… to do it without:

❌ Invasive surgery…

❌ Relying on ineffective stretches or pain medications…

❌ “Quick fixes” that don’t provide any long-term relief… 

❌ Frequent visits to physiotherapists or chiropractors who don’t solve the root issues…

And the way we help our clients do this at Body By Bisson is through an evidence-based training called the 'Back Pain Protocol'.

Here’s how it works...

Everyone should be able to live the life they want, do the things they want to–at any age, without having to sacrifice their comfort and mobility.

However when you have low back pain, it can be debilitating

You might experience a dull ache that never seems to disappear

…or sudden, excruciating pain that leaves you bed-bound for days. 

Simple tasks like cleaning, cooking, or playing with your kids become agonising challenges.

Which means sleepless nights, intimacy issues, and struggling to concentrate at work–if you make it in.

Low back pain can affect anyone and after 40 it becomes much more common.

And much of that is down to exercising and lifting with incorrect techniques, overuse, pushing too hard and repetitive trauma over many years.

With that said, most people can make huge improvements

Going from sharp pains with the smallest of movements…

…to moving freely without triggering pain or being afraid of another 'attack'.

What’s more… to do it without:

❌ Invasive surgery…

❌ Relying on ineffective stretches or pain medications…

❌ “Quick fixes” that don’t provide any long-term relief… 

❌ Frequent visits to physiotherapists or chiropractors who don’t solve the root issues…

And the way we help our clients do this at Body By Bisson is through an evidence-based training called the 'Back Pain Protocol'.

Here’s how it works...

Take Back Control Of Your Health With The 4-Step Back Pain Protocol:


    We’ll do a full diagnosis of your movement patterns, understand what's triggering the pain so we can identify the cause of your back pain.


    Once we have clarity on what is triggering your pain, I’ll show you alternative ways to use your body. I call these “safe-zones” so you can do what you want to do without risking injury or pain.


    Now you’re able to move pain-free and your body can heal, we’ll work on your stability to rebuild your entire body as a whole–to strengthen everything for support.


    The last step is showing you how to maintain good spine health. Simple daily exercises that fit with your lifestyle to keep you strong and avoid any more “episodes”.

Our Goal Is To Identify The Source Of Your Pain And Then Solve It

As the world’s leading authority on back-pain pathology, Dr. Stuart McGill says:

As the world’s leading authority on back-pain pathology, Dr. Stuart McGill says:

“There’s no such thing as non-specific back pain. 

All back pain has a very specific cause.”

“There’s no such thing as non-specific back pain. 

All back pain has a very specific cause.”

And what that means is…

…if we can find what’s causing the pain, we can come up with a way to stop it.

The bad news is… 

It’s unlikely that me (or anyone else) can magically fix your back overnight.

But the good news is… 

I can help you understand the cause of your back pain… what triggers it and teach you how to move without triggering it anymore… 

so your body can heal and you can finally do the things you used to.

Even if doctors have told you the pain’s all in your head… or labelled you with “degenerative disc disease” (which I don’t think is the reason for back pain)... or maybe even said you have to go through surgery.

And what that means is…

…if we can find what’s causing the pain, we can come up with a way to stop it.


You may have been to doctors that said the pain’s all in your head… or labelled you with “degenerative disc disease” (which I don’t think is the reason for back pain)... or maybe said you have to go through surgery.

The bad news is… 

It’s unlikely that me (or anyone else) can magically fix your back overnight.

But the good news is… 

I can help you understand the cause of your back pain… what triggers it and teach you how to move without triggering it anymore… 

so your body can heal and you can finally do the things you used to.

We Achieve This By Targeting Your Back Pain Using Proven, Science-Based Exercises And Improving Your Overall Fitness

I'll show you the proper way to move your body.

How to strengthen, stabilise, and maintain each muscle group as a whole so you get stronger and stronger with each year that goes by.

It’s not about getting big muscles and looking buff (although that’s great!)...

…but to have confidence and strength in your own body when it matters most.

So you never find yourself in a situation where you can’t take care of yourself or your loved ones.

In short: My goal is to help you become anti-fragile.

It’s not about getting big muscles and looking buff (although that’s great!)...

…but to have confidence and strength in your own body when it matters most.

So we never find ourselves in a situation where we can’t take care of ourselves or our loved ones.

In short: My goal is to help you become anti-fragile.

Become Anti-Fragile.

Definition: The opposite of fragile. Goes beyond robustness; something does not merely withstand a shock but gets stronger because of it.

Results You Can Expect

When Working Us

"I'm almost 60 and I feel better, stronger and have more endurance than when I was 30!"

Mark Pellegrino, American Actor from Supernatural, Lost, Dexter and many more

"Within days I saw a huge improvement"

Nikos Sotirakopoulos PhD, Instructor Ayn Rand Institute

"My back always got triggered, now I'm significantly stronger and more stable"

Yaron Brook, Author, Entrepreneur, Chairman of Ayn Rand Institute

"I was able to live a normal life again"

Jack C, Scotland

"Tom gave me hope for the future after nothing else worked"

Amy, Michigan, US


And Get Relief From Low Back Pain

When you click the button below it will take you to a short form to fill out. 

Your answers will help me understand if I can help you.

I’ll then review this and reach out to book a free consultation call with you over the phone or Zoom. 

If you’re near Chigwell, London we’ll then arrange for you to come to my gym for a more detailed assessment.

Hi I’m Thomas Bisson...

After working as a personal trainer for the last 11 years and helping my clients lose weight, get fit and looking great, I noticed a recurring problem that stopped many of them from living the life they wanted.

That problem? Back pain. 

As I researched deeper into the field, I realised low back pain is a serious issue–now responsible for up to 80% of workplace absences.

This led me down the path to becoming a Certified back pain specialist and studying with the world’s number 1 expert for evidence-based back training, Dr. Stuart McGill.

As well as working with incredible experts within the fitness community; Chris Duffin, Co-founder of the global brand, Kabuki Strength, the Ayn Rand Institute, Nikos Sotirakopoulos PhD, Team GB and much more.

My mission now is to help my clients overcome debilitating low back pain and get strong so they can get back to doing everything they love and live life to the fullest.

Discover How To Strengthen Your Spine And Get Pain-Free Using 7 Easy Exercises

Download the free 32-page guide and get instant access now

Learn how to move freely without triggering your pain so you can regain your health, live an active lifestyle again and prevent further injury.


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